"May you never steal, lie or cheat..

but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows

and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life

and if you must cheat, then please cheat death;

because  without you I wouldn't last a single day".

Granja de Humanoides

viernes, 9 de julio de 2010 | Lola

Simplemente pense que estaba dormida!! Y soñe con el dezastre otra ves, donde estaba? Donde esta el?? pense... aquel que destrozo mis sueños en pequeños cuentos de oscuridad.... Aquel quien dijo una ves tomar mi mano y pretender ser mi papa... mi mascara es otra hoy en dìa pero no tan vaga como la tuya!!! Dejándome en la ciudad de las bestias, como siempre, llamando de noche solitario, la sombra que no me deja. Tratandome como un trapo mas; reciclado, quien soy entonces?, quiero una maldita respuesta, Pensaba mas bien que era yo la necia. Mas ahora trato de desprenderme de las flechas en llamas, aquellas que clavaron en mi cabeza, quebrando mis mascara, me buscas, me llamas, me maltratas. Un beso, no es forma de pedir perdón, solo dime que pretendes que salga de mi pecho? Por que jamas caminare ese camino de niebla hasta tu casa, la incertidumbre que siempre senti, las promesas rotas y expectativas que tuve estan muertas de nuevo. Doy gracias por eso. Entonces llegaba a la granja donde fabrican esas ideas, ideas de amor? que idea mas absurda ´´ absurdo eso eres tu tambien´´ Ahora creo que entiendo lo que puede haber en tu cabeza, y es la simple idea de que soy una estupida, otra ves mas en la granja de los humanoides, un libido sin sentimientos. La mascara sin alma que soy, y me viste caer como ave sin alas, me oiste llorar como quien pierde la vida, como la escoria de humano que podia ser yo en ese entonces. No creas que no me di cuenta de tus otras aventuras!!! De tu verdadera musa, como los perros de las calles que tienen muchos amos, absorviendote por la hermosura disfrazada de esas bellezas de turno. Si soy directa me disculpo, si digo que los hombres son igual me equivoco, por que no todos son como tu. Por no ser como las hiennas de la noche que abren sus piernas con las que despiertas resentido al final dandote cuenta de lo vacio que puedes estar. Es la vida como esta granja de humanoides, por que no somos completos, jamas seremos perfectos. si alguna ves dije algo malo pido perdon pero jamas me critiques pór ser sincera conmigo misma.

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6 comentarios:

Axia dijo...

It goes so easily
down down..
Perhaps you havent seen it well
Well enough
What there was
And It turns us off
It flashes off my gaze
The tears in my shoulders
Gives off some mood
It fooled us all
The mistakable
Whom or what
All that was
All there is
All alone, I read

Axia dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Axia dijo...

Words wearing off
Nothing we could ever say
A bright new collection
of brand new old sensations
and whatever reasons comes with it.

The reasons you want
What we really are
What you will never see
Just the naked mind
In the moments I have ever been
Pronouncing things, wearing off..
The way you could control it
or how it really seems to be
What I really am
What you have always seen
Another outsider
That you could never see trough
It wears off, the things we said
When reality seemed so very twisted
And my eyes stared so close
The looks alone and the words you could strip out.

It happened so easily, but now it slowly wears off

The words we probably said very much

Goes away so easily, easily wearing off...

Lola dijo...

You say I´ll never see trough your mind,
I say nobody will... Like if your heart is blocked into

I tried to believe in people, but who disappointed me first then? this kind of things cannot happened so easily if feelings are true! I think somebody make them happen, guess it was me????.

Me! nothing else but a puppet.
Me nothing else but a game.
The feeling of being used, everytime,
you´d look back for me.

Such a puzzle is your mind, cuz´ that´s what you want. Like you think nobody understands you. But that´s completely a lie.

Put your feet on the earth, it´s time to grow up. Even I´m not like this, you should just look up. Future that´s all you´d ever have. Right know that´s what you should think about.

Don´t waste your time inside that room,
there is a new world outside. Think about the adventures that will change your reality.

Think you never looked through my eyes.
I tried to tell you that you could really fight. You are not another outsider, you were the only human being that was real for me at the moment.

Boy you don´t know me at all, I really hope
u´ll never do so. I did never understand what you wanted from me, maybe I was just for fun!! Maybe you were bored, I cannot pretend you didn´t hurt me. But I don´t care about that anylonger.

Let´s be cold about the topic like you said when we were younger.
´´ who needs love if you can follow your animal thoughts´´ cuz´ we are human, and that´s what people does.

Will never share think phillosophy with your mind. Cuz´I do hope for someone who really cares about me. I only happened that we are not supposed to... and you said we´ll never be.

Nothing else to say.... Just good luck sranger!!!

Axia dijo...

Status Quo

Lola dijo...

My dear friend we can`t go back there.
Status quo you say? well this means I need to give so you`ll receive. What is it exactly that you are looking for?
Fame, money, glory?... this will eat your soul slowly, you don`t need this.
The only things I can share with you is my endless love for music, for art, for friendship.
And my most sincere apology if I ever make you gone mad. then Status quo = true?

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